Learning Locomotion

By Shakti Bird

Enrich your body, mind, and soul

Enrich your life through locomotion and handstands

Shakti has been teaching yoga, handstands, and locomotion in person for the past few years, and is commited to sharing the beauties of each both as an experienced teacher, and a humble learner.

She challenges everyone to take a jump into the unknown in order to experience the physical wellness, and inner tranquility that is hidden in everyone.

What's Inside?


Physical Well-being



Locomotion is for everyone. Absolutely. But some people are still unsure, so I'd like to answer a few common questions.

What else do I need to start?

Nothing! Learning Locomotion covers just about everything possible.

No props are needed either. Just your body and a willingness to learn and grow :)

Can I locomote in a small apartment?

Absolutely! The movements can be done back and forth so all you need is to clear a small space for it :)

Do I need to practice everyday?

If you can do locomotion 2 or 3 times a week, that is good! If your body can handle everyday, and you have time, even better!

Handstands you should practice at least a few minutes every day.

I'm prone to injury

What I've found working with many individuals is that locomotion makes you far more durable and resilient to injury.

There are also a number of prehab exercises in the course that you may find helpful.

I'm a complete beginner

Good! The course is designed to work from the ground up - progressions are broken down step by step :)

I'm too old, fat, etc.

Nonsense! These practices are for EVERYONE. I've watched pregnant women do this shit!

Haha but really, most people come to locomotion from all kinds of backgrounds - martial arts, powerlifting, dance, all kinds of things.

53+ training videos on locomotion and handstands

Shakti’s personal email to send in questions,

and a video for review

Live event recording for following along

Discounts off yoga brands and clothing companies


About Shakti

I began my movement journey when I found yoga in 2010.

I attended Naropa University to focus my studies on traditional eastern arts (with a concentration in yoga).

Since then, I have completed over 2,000 hours of formal yoga teacher training and have spent countless hours dedicated to deepening my experience and understanding of those traditional practices.

It didn’t take long to realize that yoga asana, on its own, is not a complete or practical means to movement and overall physical wellness. In search of more, I spent two years training and studying closely with an Ido Portal community in Boulder, CO.

During those years I was exposed to more moments of failure, frustration, improvement, understanding, joy, and humility than ever before.

I knew that it was my responsibility to travel the world and help join the worlds of traditional yogic practices with more modern, applicable forms of functional movement.

For the past 6 years, this is exactly what I have done — and it is only the beginning.

Enrollment closed. Sign up to be notified for our next launch.

Denver, CO


Email: shakti@reply.learninglocomotion.love

Site: www.shaktibird.com

Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved